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Think and Grow Rich

East-West Success MasterMind


When Asians Take A Western Idea, They Don't Just Copy It, They Make It Better! East or West... Here's your unique opportunity to be on the winning side of this fact of modern life!!

"Announcing A Limited Time Opportunity For You To Get Rich In The Asian Opportunity Explosion!"

Ted Ciuba
World's Leading Think And Grow Rich Advocate

"Grab Hold Of This Mind-Blowing, Introduction Getting, Business Growing Program To Grow Rich Rapidly, Spread Your Fame, and Create A MAJOR Product Today!"


ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY Includes YOU in product, plus all the CD's, ebooks, salesletters, webpages you need to rake in huge sums of money for years to come!

Dear Friend,

This could well be the most important letter you've ever read...

I just ask that you give yourself an open mind, listen to the facts I briefly lay out before you, and see what your own intuition says.

If you are a serious wealth seeker, you'll go to any ethical length to get or increase your riches. But sometimes, instead of incremental progress, you need breakthrough progress.

Which brings us to this present moment.

WARNING! If you want the huge profits you can make with this offer you must act quickly! To control competition I only want 52 people in, and 29 of the positions are already spoken for!

The "Secret Weapon" Of Millionaires

The MasterMind - as detailed in Think and Grow Rich - has been called the "secret weapon of Millionaires". There's a magic when people of extraordinary vision and capacity come together with the specific intent of sharing insights, ideas, contacts, and resources for the profit of every member in the group.

The MasterMind has been called the "secret weapon of millionaires".

What if you could harness the power of the MasterMind to supercharge your own wealth accumulation efforts?

East or West... What If You Could Harness The Power Of The MasterMind To Profit From The Asian Opportunity Explosion?

What if you could participate in a MasterMind session that brings you the very best of what the East and the West have to offer?

An insider's resource that gifts you an unfair advantage over all the other seekers in your country!

Sound too good to be true?...

Well, Fortune is smiling on you now - if you're alert to it, synchronicity is operating in your life and affairs...

This is your opportunity to create your own Fortune, to change all the days of your life - as well as the estate you leave to your heirs and the legacy you leave to humanity.

Think and Grow Rich head coach, Ted Ciuba, journeyed East with the specific intent to forge this collaboration. It's now reality!

What just a few years back seemed like it could never happen, now is!

A small International group of wealth students are gathering for a very important MasterMind. People from East. People from West.

The purpose of our MasterMind - and you're invited - is quite simple...

In a MasterMind study of the success philosophy outlined in the original Think And Grow Rich,  to merge the BEST of both East and West to enable any willing human being, anywhere on this planet or any other planet or moon, to THINK WITH INTENT - to control and direct your thinking to receive the natural result of RICHES in your life!

There's more juice in this program than you've ever encountered!

"One of the most important days of my life was the day I began to read Think and Grow Rich."

             - W. Clement Stone

"More than half a century later, this is the book. That's all.
     I started reading it nearly twenty years ago myself and I marvel at how everything in it contains the fulfillment of the promise of the title.
     All wealth begins in the mind."


- David Garfinkel

At the age of 20 I discovered the book Think and Grow Rich. I read it from start to finish over a two day period. It was my missing link and finding that book was not a coincidence.
     I built my first million dollar business by the time I was 24 and I remember clear as a bell how powerful I felt when I put that book down, it confirmed in my mind that it was possible to achieve everything I had perceived. It was like being handed the 'keys' to the kingdom.
     When I re-read Think and Grow Rich today it still gives me that feeling of power and bliss....  
                             - Tom Mudry

This has been an extraordinary experience. This course is a must for everybody of all ages. Every time I have gone through the course, I have learned something that will better my life style and has helped me develop a plan to get me where I want to go.
     The ability to tap into the minds of wealthy people all around the world has been incredible!!!!!

Carl Davis

Paul Fuggle


I just wanted to thank you for sharing the principles contained in Think and Grow Rich and for all your assistance in putting them into practice.  Changing the way that I think and following the principles I learned during the Mastermind Achiever's Study Sessions has already resulted in a £57,000 [,836.63 USD] tax free profit on one property deal and two major business deals in just a couple of months. What's more, I know that this is only the beginning.


Thanks to Mr. Hill's extraordinary book and the introspective, creative and masterful coaching of my friend and mentor Ted Ciuba, this Think and Grow Rich Achievers Mastermind experience has opened a window of opportunity for me to a new lifestyle I could not have previously imagined nor understood.  - Cliff Dowell
- Helene Grillot

I was at a turning point in my life
wondering were I was going and what I should be doing with my life. A friend told me about the Mastermind Programme...The interaction with all the other participants and the extraordinary content of the book challenged my thinking and my searching even more, then it jumped at me I found "the secret" the one that was so much a part of me that I didn't even know ..... amazing!
      I am now writing a book and am in the process of organized planning for seminars that I will be starting in a few months. I found the answer I had been looking for throughout my life, the answer was in the realization of what I can now do with my Major Purpose...

Profit From... Or Get Shredded By

WE - this moment, in this MasterMind - are contributing to the emerging new consciousness. We are helping take the world into its new frontiers.

WE - this moment, in this MasterMind - have timing advantages to profit from this phenomenon that no one else has ever had, nor will ever have.

If you're willing to come along, this moment can turn into riches for you - more ways than you now imagine. (If you don't, you'll be shredded and gobbled by forward thinking competitors... Can't you see that?)

Embrace Change!

Embrace change! Be an early adopter.  Your alternative, of course, is to hang around contentedly in yesterday, with your potato chips, beers and burps, affirming the think and grow poorer philosophy... It certainly feels more secure.

As the legendary Abe Lincoln observed, and this is your moment to decide which group you're in...

"Good things may come to those who wait -
  but it's the things leftover by those who hustle."

There come times in life when you either jump proactively on opportunity in the moment - or you never get another chance.

At these crossroads moments your investment in yourself, in the Think And Grow Rich philosophy could leverage into a veritable fortune of millions of dollars.

It's happening on every hand - and you could see it - IF you HAD the WEALTH CONSCIOUSNESS this East-West Success MasterMind will create for you.

This program WILL transform your consciousness of wealth...

" I was invited to participate in the "Think and Grow Rich Achievers' Mastermind" by my friend Ted Ciuba.

"That 8-week program
transformed my own Consciousness of Wealth..."  - Dan Klatt

A Critical Time In The Fortunes Of The East

This is a critical time in the opening fortunes of the East. This is a good time  to meditate upon the Chinese ideogram for crisis.

The Chinese ideagram for crisis is composed of two Chinese symbols, danger and opportunity. The top represents "danger", the bottom symbol speaks of "opportunity".

This is your opportunity to jump in early and profit from the opening of the East - whether you're from the East or from the West - or, danger! - get shredded by the competition!

Ciuba Caption: The top part, "danger" is first - because most people choose to loose, and neither explore nor commit to the exceptional.

You might say both sides - East and West - are coming together with an entirely new appreciation of and good desires for the other side. Unprecedented opportunity! Uncharted waters....

And both sides intend to profit.

The Old Problem

In the old days our Western forbears mistakenly assumed they were the superior race, and acted that out, greedily plundering the rich lands...

The East didn't like the attack, and assumed they were better, treating all Westerners as the pirates and brutes they were. Holding back and giving as little as possible in the bargain.

As the lyrics of the hit song go... "But that was yesterday, and yesterday's gone!"

The New Paradigm

In the meantime over the last several years, we've seen huge prosperity moving through the East. The East, a land with billions of educated, hungry people has moved from an isolationist philosophy to embracing things of the West.

The 1960's and 1970's were harbingers of things to come... The first peeps of a new age. The first "public" conversations... Like...

"One of the most historic handshakes in diplomatic history"

US President Richard Nixon and China's Chairman Mao ZeDong Shake Hands - China  21 Feb 1972

Today We Embrace

We both share the same sky, the same stars, the same hopes, drives, family and business relationships...

We both are interested in making huge profits by providing needed goods, services, and information to the world - East and West.

Will you join us? This is your invitation.

Now it's down to our level - ordinary, motivated, success-driven people...

Business Persons Chinese-Malaysian Siew-Yen Kim and US's Ted Ciuba Embrace After World Internet Summit - Malaysia, 17 October 2005


Today nobody's talking about just the "potential" of the East - it's happening! As this next 2005 photo clearly shows, it's already on board!

Check out China's commerce on this load in the Panama Canal - on the other side of the world!

Click photo to enlarge

Oh, by the way, do not make the egregious mistake of thinking - just because you see a Panamax tanker loaded with commerce from China that we're talking only about China, which some are expecting will play out the trend they're on, becoming the "economic emperor of the 21st century"...

Hong Kong is currently one of the world's top financial centers, and is the busiest shipping port in the entire world. Singapore has the highest per capita number of millionaires in the entire world!!

The entire Asian tiger is on the loose. China, Hong Kong, and Singapore, of course, but Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Viet Nam, Malaysia, Thailand, and India among others, are eager and experiencing extraordinary rates of growth!

Will you join us in this new prosperity?

YOU have the opportunity to shape the emerging world of respect and cooperation for the mutual benefit of both East and West - and profit handsomely thereby.

It's like Think and Grow Rich says, when Napoleon speaks of doing things efficiently for the good of the public, and profitably to yourself.

There's no conflict between impulsing a positive benefit to humanity during your days on the stage of life and profiting thereby.

If you don't join us, by welcome invitation now, you'll be fighting against us on the street, as a bloody competitor with losing odds!

East or West - make friends, get understanding, form business relationships now, while the getting in is eager, ready, and virgin!

Help make history. (It's happening with or without you - only question is, would you like to profit?)

Make It Better!

East or West, we're not so different, after all. Not when it comes to the universal truths we can discern and harness to our own benefit... Sometimes it hard to tell who's borrowed from who... Or discovered it on their own, sharing the same herency of humanity...

Take, even, the basis of our get-together now... Think And Grow Rich...

Napoleon Hill and Ted Ciuba speak of...

"Think and grow rich"

Buddha said it thousands of years earlier...

"We are what we think...
With our thoughts we make our world."

Truth be known, Buddhist, Tao, Confucian, and Hindu philosophy, as well, of course, as Christian philosophy pervade the book Think and Grow Rich.

The West brings the proven, acclaimed wealth philosophy of Think and Grow Rich to the table - a thing Easterners are eager to apply!

The East brings the respectful, considerate, spiritual refinement to the philosophy!

The idea in this MasterMind is to bring together the best of the respective mindsets, qualities, and skillsets to create prosperity for every participant...

While this table may suffer from some stereo-type attitudes... Examine it, and feel the truth you can benefit from...

Strengths To Share In MasterMind



A developed, focused culture of thousands of years

more spiritual

more refined

more disciplined

more logical

more determined

more group oriented

A strong young culture with mere hundreds years of age

more natural

more rambunctious

more creative

more resources

more innovative

more individualistic

Enrich all parties
. This MasterMind provides the forum for Asians to interact with, understand, and receive wealth-building enrichment from Western mind – and Western mind to interact with, understand, and receive enrichment from the East.

Business relationships will be forged during this incredible MasterMind.

We're all united in ONE quest - the purposeful creation of wealth

So How Do You Bottle This Magic?

Two Cultures Unite - Bring Their Strong Points Together In Historic MasterMind

 Forward-thinking people from the East and the West join hands to lead the world into the New Millennium - and to profit handsomely thereby.

In a nutshell, here's the concept...

We're coming together to take the PROVEN and HAILED Think and Grow Rich philosophy to higher ground. We're coming together to discover, discern, develop and apply the Think and Grow Rich success philosophy to our own individual pursuits to definitely and without any doubt get rich.

The West brings this proven and hailed Think and Grow Rich success philosophy to an eager East. Not to mention the East can benefit from harnessing the energy and dynamism of a much younger West. The East brings their inbred refinedness, deeper spiritual life, better discipline, and insightful mind to this philosophy of the West.

Both sides bring their unique strong points in a spirit of cooperation and mutual assistance.

Here's What You Get In This MasterMind

Here's the elements of the Think and Grow Rich "East-West Success MasterMind" you get..


LIVE MasterMind Sessions - 8 Week MasterMind studying Think And Grow Rich, bringing the best of both East and West into focus.

We start recording the actual sessions on 4 January 2006 (schedule below).




Audio Recordings - Every session is quickly edited and promptly archived on the Internet after the live event, so if you must miss a session - or you wish to review a session - you have easy and immediate access. (Americans - this may be one of your biggest benefits, as, due to the early morning hour you may have more than one time conflict. This allows you to still participate AND still get the rights to the product we're creating.)


A digital and a physical copy of the original Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.



MasterMind Study Guides - Each session has its own study guide with specific quotes, points, notes. These are like the Cliff Notes versions of each chapter, helping you get the most from each chapter - and contribute the most in each MasterMind session.




MasterMind Study Chapters -  Each chapter of the original 1937 version of Think and Grow Rich with important points highlighted. These have the same purpose as the study guides, but they're the entire chapters, with especially important items, ideas, and concepts highlighted for easy assimilation.



Transcriptions - World-by-word transcriptions of every MasterMind session allow you to turn to the teachings in this convenient, portable format.

Schedule For Think and Grow Rich "East-West MasterMind"

We'll all dial into a conference center, getting together for 8 weeks running according to...

Sixteen Think And Grow Rich "East-West Success MasterMind" Sessions LIVE - 8 Weeks (2 sessions per meeting)

 Week #1 - 4 Jan '06

  1. Overview, Prefaces

  2. Ch 1: Introduction

 Week #2 - 11 Jan '06

  1. Ch2: Step 1 - Desire

  2. Ch 3:  Step 2 - Faith

 Week # 3 - 18 Jan '06

  1. Ch 4: Step 3 - Auto-Suggestion

  2. Ch 5: Step 4 - Specialized Knowledge

 Week # 4 -25 Jan '06

  1. Ch 6: Step 5 - Imagination

  2. Ch 7: Step 6 - Organized Planning

 Week # 5 - 1 Feb '06

  1. Ch 8: Step 7 - Decision

  2. Ch 9: Step 8 - Persistence

 Week # 6 - 8 Feb '06

  1. Ch 10: Step 9 - MasterMind

  2. Ch 11: Step 10 - Sex Transmutation

 Week # 7 - 15 Feb '06

  1. Ch 12: Step 11 - The Subconscious

  2. Ch 13: Step 12 - The Brain

 Week # 8 - 22 Feb '06

  1. Ch 14: Step 13 - The Sixth Sense

  2. Ch 15: The Six Ghosts Of Fear

  3. BONUS Wrapup: “The ‘Secret’?”

Here's the vital stats on time... Mark your daytimer NOW!

"Good evening, Asia!..."
  Hong Kong, Shanghai, 
  Kuala Lumpur, Singapore
  - Wednesday *

8pm - Southeast Asia

"Good evening, Australia!..."
Australia - Wednesday *

8pm  - Western Australia
10:30pm - South Australia & Northern Territory
10pm - Queensland
11pm  - NSW, Victoria & Tasmania

"Wake up, America!..."
  USA - Wednesday

 4am   - Pacific Time
 5am -  Mountain Time
 6am -  Central Time
 7am -  Eastern Time

"Right on noon, UK!..."
United Kingdom - Wednesday

12pm - noon - UK Time

"And, welcome, all points between..."

Your time to Tune in?
Just Click Here and find the time listed beside YOUR city.

So there you have the basic outline of our Live MasterMind... The LIVE sessions, the audios, the book, special study guides, special marked up chapters for easy assimilation, and the transcripts for convenient portable access anywhere, anytime.

It's no exaggeration - the results of "getting" this philosophy generalize to every part of your life - and you start living at a much higher level.

Your life will never be the same after this in-depth study of the book. It will reflect in your bank balance, in the kinds of things you do to earn money, in the happiness and actualization you bring into your own life and the lives of your family members, community, and the world.

The cost of participation would be 20 times what it actually is and still be worth every penny!

Important Note To Any Person

If you're really serious about getting hugely rich - and not just fooling yourself, here's something else for you to chew on.

The quality of the results you get from your MasterMind is in direct proportion to the quality of your MasterMind companions. Talk about a bad use of the MasterMind principle - enter any corner bar and check out the same group of losers hanging out together, talking about getting laid with someone else's wife, bragging about their last escapade - and the narrow miss they had with their own wife almost busting them. Rubbish!

Now consider the people you'll be shoulder-to-shoulder with in this MasterMind. Now, YOU won't have to invest this much, but many of the people in this MasterMind qualified themselves by investing ,000 - ,000 to play the game.

Why would any sane person invest that sum of money in a "program"? Simple. Results. They know the results they get from this program will far exceed the meager investment they make. Smart people - people who already are - or are about to become millionaires - know it's all about LEVERAGE!

These are the people you'll be with.

Further, some of the individuals already are millionaires... And in one particular case I know the gentleman is currently generating billions annually in a business he started up in 1998.

These are the people you'll be with. Millionaires - people generating billions of dollars annually in their business, wealth students all.

If you need to get your focus right - according to the book - before passing on this decision, reread chapter 7 of Napoleon Hill's original Think and Grow Rich. And then look at yourself in the mirror, and ask yourself if you have the cowardice to slink by and let this opportunity of a lifetime pass.

Note to Westerners: We (I say "we" since I'm a Westerner) may well be outnumbered by Easterners in this MasterMind. Because I want 1) a quality MasterMind in which everyone will have a chance to participate and 2) to limit the number of licenses, I'm only looking for 52 people. Twenty of the people who signed up already are Easterners. (I designed and offered this program first in the East.) If it works out that way, thank your lucky stars! You have much to learn... Much to profit by... Many relationships to begin... Many contacts and joint ventures to develop....

The main reason why there may be more Easterners is due to the time. Due to the nature of this project, it's important to have a good Eastern presence. So it's scheduled at a convenient Eastern time, 8pm Shanghai, China time.

Unfortunately, that's pretty early in the Western part of the world. That's 7am in the Eastern USA time zone, and 4am in the Pacific USA time zone. Many people would normally still be sleeping  or preparing for or at work.

My advice would be to make the schedule for the 8 weeks this program runs. If it's sleep - go to sleep a couple hours earlier... If it's schedule - make that happen, even if it costs you a couple bucks.

The other reason - perhaps more telling - there may be more Easterners in the MasterMind is simply because they are more eager to profit! That's part of the benefit YOU are looking for - learn from them, befriend them, do mutually beneficial business together, and prosper! They ARE looking to do business with you!

Nothing you could otherwise do could have the profound changes and benefits in your life as participating in this live Think and Grow Rich "East-West Success MasterMind" could have.

Further, since we're meeting anyway, why don't we convert our meetings into cash? For all of us. How? Easy...

Think and Grow Rich "East-West Success MasterMind"
Comes With

That's right!

This feature that alone could make you RICH. It could give you the independent lifestyle of having money coming in all hours of the day and night, no matter where you are or what you're doing...

That's what the Internet lifestyle is all about!

That's what the Think and Grow Rich philosophy allows you to enjoy.

That's what having this unique twist on a proven product could do for you!

Keep reading - shortly in this letter I give a lesson in product creation - don't worry - I'll do it ALL! And writing the sales letter, building the website, and hooking it up with - I'll do it ALL!

But for right now, let's do a little math...

Jjust so we all get on the same page about your earning potential... Let's ask ourselves a few simple questions...

What is the greatest selling success book in history?...

Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich, of course.

What book has more millionaire testimonials than any other book in history?

Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich, of course.

This is your chance - which may never come again - to get a piece of that market.

But what if you do far, far less, an you only make back 25 times your money? Would that still be okay?

But, whoa! Hold your horses! With THIS product, with copy and a webpage written by a world-class expert, can you imagine NOT making a truckload of money?! Expect to make a Fortune!

The reason why people like Duplication Rights is because you can sell the product and keep 100% of the money. There are no royalties to pay, nobody to split the profits with. What comes in, you keep.

So, if the product ends up selling at (rounded up from for easy math), and...

If you sell... You make...
10 copies/year /month * ,000/year
10 copies/month ,000/month * ,000/year
10 copies/week ,000/month * ,000/year
10 copies/day ,000/month * $1,460000/year

Do you believe this project, which takes the original Think And Grow Rich philosophy into the New Millennium with a unique USP can do this for you?!

I do.

What Would You Do With Unlimited Wealth?

What would you do with Unlimited Wealth if you had it? That's one of the questions all self-made millionaires or genuine candidates can answer immediately! Succinctly. While the possibilities are endless, here's a starter list of exactly what wealth and actualization gives you.

  • Independence - do what you want, when you want, with whom you want, as long as you want...

  • Cars - drive the vehicles of your choice

  • Power - the ability to control your destiny, to turn your dreams into reality

  • Investments - make savvy investments with uncanny profits, compound your investments over time

  • Education - invest in something that pays back huge dividends!

  • House - live in that house of your dreams, and buy it with ONE payment!

  • Clothes - styling or casual, the choice is yours!

  • Vacation - there's no port of call too exotic or too far - follow your fancy!

  • Retirement Security - prepare with "gold" for your "golden" years

While I’m confident that most people would agree that everything listed above sounds good, what if your greatest desire are feelings of peace of mind and security? That costs money, too. Money makes it possible.

Yes, Ted, I am EAGER to participate in this historic Think and Grow Rich "East-West Success MasterMind". I want to learn the secret in this select group that guides me to succeed in anything I do in life - including getting my share of the Asian opportunity explosion!

  MasterMind w Duplication Rights - ,997

  MasterMind w Dupl. Rights - 3 installments of $1,047 each

  MasterMind only -

Further, I'll personally make sure you know exactly how to do that! Stay tuned for your exclusive invitation as my guest to World Internet Summit - USA '06.

Chew on this one for a moment... If, as they say, the book has sold 150 Million copies... And assuming these copies went for a mere each... Then, can you spell a proven product market the size of Million dollars?!!

It the book price averaged .67 that's over ONE BILLION in sales!

That doesn't count anything else in the market!!!

And, at (rounded figure), do you know how few products you'd actually need to sell to earn $1,000,000?

Try a mere 2,500!

By-the-way... We did the above calculation of sales conservatively... I understand the actual lifetime market has exceeded $1 Trillion!!!

However, just so there's no misunderstanding here's a disclaimer similar to the one I'll write into the copy for your product - one that tells the truth and legally protects you - because you're not misleading anyone.

DISCLAIMER - All business contains an element of risk. Your level of success in attaining results depends on how you apply what you learn and receive as well as the time you devote to marketing the program, ideas and techniques mentioned, your finances, knowledge, the efforts you make, natural ability, and various skills. Even luck could be involved. Since these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee or project your success or income level. Your results will vary.

I suggest you get out a pencil and dream your own dreams a bit. What would you do with all that money?

A Deal SO-O-O Good!

If you'll only come to the MasterMind sessions with your earnest desire for greater riches, weekly preparation, the expertise and spiritual development you already possess, and participate, I'll do EVERYTHING ELSE to get this product professionally captured, produced, and ready to market.

As your capable and motivated MasterMind partner, I'll do everything else for you! And I mean everything in the list you'll read shortly - including producing the product, writing the copy, building the web site and connecting your domain name / hosting service, to your ecommerce system and to your PayPal and/or other merchanting services so you can do the "ca-ching dance" daily!


Oh, not only that, but I'm throwing in a truckload of bonuses - yours absolutely free! These bonuses multiply the benefit you get from your involvement in this MasterMind!

PLUS you get these bonuses -
all yours at NO cost!

,984.95 worth of valuable bonuses with
Think And Grow Rich "East-West Success MasterMind"
Duplication Rights Offer!

Killer Bonus #1 - A fully functioning, customized website

Good news! We'll build your website, including writing the copy, disclaimers, and digital product delivery mechanisms. We'll hook everything up with your domain name, hosting service, and so it works like greased lightning. We'll set everything up for delivery of the physical product, when a customer makes that option. To organize and sort everything at this level would ordinarily run you - but it's yours FREE!

Killer Bonus #2 - Invitation to World Internet Summit - USA

You will get an invitation to attend World Internet Summit - USA '06, the world's largest and best Internet Marketing conference at no cost, as my special guest!

It's in exciting Las Vegas this year, 14 - 16 September! This is a $1,997 value!

For a little preview on what you'll be receiving, check out the following pages...

Killer Bonus #3 - EARN and Learn! Genuine, real-life sharing of the entire system of PRODUCT CREATION

I'll create the entire product for you - every single step of the way!


I'll reveal and make explicit every process, sub-process, resource, procedure, software, etc to make this a valuable product, including the elements of writing the copy and building a personalized website. This coaching is invaluable, and it would cost your ,000 to otherwise get this level of personal attention from me, PLUS you - not me would do all the work!

How To Create A Product For Sale


In this program I walk you through EVERY SINGLE STEP of the product creation process! Once you get this up close - you can duplicate it endlessly in your own niche to set yourself up in the same situation.

This tutoring is invaluable - to otherwise get this instruction from me would cost you ,000 up front PLUS a percentage of your profits. But you get it free!

Further, were you a coaching client - YOU, not me would do all the hard work. But, because I'm actively involved in creating this product, I'll make it super-easy on you - I'll do all the work - walking you through the process as I do it, getting your input, sharing the resources, methods, and techniques that a world-class Internet Marketer uses. (The secret is - anybody can do it, once they "get" and apply the secret... That's the entire message of Think and Grow Rich, you know.

Product Creation

So let's start now. (And if you make the poor decision not to join us, that's okay - this is a free lesson for you.

Creating a product can be a LOT of work - one few people feel up to... Further, there's many, many a garage throughout the world full of stock of hairbrained ideas that just didn't work out... Didn't even have a chance. I'll explain how we'll guaranteed avoid that for you.

Here's a quick rundown of what's involved in creating and bringing a product to market...

To Create And Bring A Product To Market

To create and bring a salable product to market, you've generally got to go through these steps. Few people are qualified to do this...

  1. Find a MARKET that's PROVEN with dollars (yen, yuan, ringits, etc) they're buying (Blow this one, and even if you do everything else right - you'll wind up losing)

  2. Generate a salable IDEA

  3. Possess, develop, or acquire the EXPERTISE necesary to create a product the public will buy (and keep - minimize refunds)

  4. Make, arrange, schedule TIME to get the relevant parties together focused on the task

  5. CAPTURE the product (this gets exponentially more complicated, the more pieces that exist)

  6. EDIT the product (this gets exponentially more complicated, the more pieces that exist)

  7. If the product is created by audio, get TRANSCRIPTIONS, because the product will have a higher value if it is complete

  8. Design any / all aids to the process - such as study guides, supplemental materials

  9. Organize and create the product in digital form, which includes...

  10. Organize and create the graphics needed to sell the product, which may include more than just "e-covers" - might include photos / graphics / charts to render the sales message or product

  11. Create the sales message - this alone can be a huge stumbling block, because if you don't have the expertise and energy to do it yourself, it could easily run you ,000 plus a percentage of every sale. Further, "copy" (the sales message) is NOT written in a vacuum... You must...

    1. Hammer out an irresistible offer, which includes...

    2. Getting bonuses

    3. Getting testimonials

    4. Writing disclaimers

    5. Actually writing the sales letter

    6. Editing and polishing the salesletter

    7. Testing the different elements to ensure max sales

  12.  Create an attractive webpage template

  13. Hook up your webpage with to enable e-commerce

  14. Which means taking orders is only the beginning... You must also hookup your ecommerce...

    1.  Your product delivery page

    2. Opt-in box for subscribers (who don't buy)

    3. An affiliate program for those who want to sell your product for you and make money themselves off your hard work (creating a product is too creative and demands too much hard work for most people, so you'll always have affiliates wanting to sell your product.)

    4. Then you must write and activate autoresponder sequences for your subscribers, buyers, and affiliates

  15. Then, because many consumers prefer the physical product, you must...

    1.  Design and create graphics for each component of your product

    2. Either produce enough sets yourself to ship (few people have the money, space, or desire for this) or...

    3. Arrange everything with a fair priced fulfillment house, so they can ship your orders for you

Yes, Ted, I am EAGER to participate in this historic Think and Grow Rich "East-West Success MasterMind". I want to learn the secret in this select group that guides me to succeed in anything I do in life - including getting my share of the Asian opportunity explosion!

  MasterMind w Duplication Rights - ,997

  MasterMind w Dupl. Rights - 3 installments of $1,047 each

  MasterMind only -

This brief summary doesn't include everything you must do - and it doesn't even mention the creativity, planning, hard work, grief, and money that goes into the process. (Which many people feel they lack.)

Only then are you ready to market and sell your product.

If it sounds  like a lot of work - it is!!

You Can Bridge Your Weakness With A MasterMind Group

However, with a MasterMind group you can bridge every gap. That's THE premise of the magical principle #9, the "MasterMind". You bring what you have to the table, along with every other member, and together we all make something greater than the sum of what all of us individually could do added together.

If you don't want to do all the hard work - if' you're not now capable without a lot of development, and the time it takes... If you feel that in certain areas there are others who are already more developed than you and will always be better than you - because they're naturals at it...

The proper approach is to LET THEM DO IT - and figure out a way to PROFIT FROM IT.

Nowhere in Think and Grow Rich does it say you should do everything yourself. Quit to the contrary! It says you MUST enlist the willing aid of others.

So the logical question is how can you MasterMind with a person or persons of capacity, experience, and connections?

That's the incredible offer that's before you today!!!

Select A Market That's BUYING

Your first, and your most important step towards having a success with a product is to select a market that's buying!

So how does the Think and Grow Rich market stack up?...

It's the largest selling success book in history! How's that?! With over 150 million copies of the book alone passing through the cash register!

Even today, 77 years after it's initial publication, it ranks 250 in sales at That current books - like the South Beach Diet and the Harry Potter books place higher, is no sweat - they'll also disappear off the radar screen when their fashion passes.

If you're thinking you might like to profit from the DUPLICATION RIGHTS to this product - you should be hearing, as Elvis says, "bells ringing"!

Think And Grow Rich is a market that's BUYING! To be successful you must have a market that's buying.

ALL savvy marketers start with and teach this vital truth. Doing anything else is doing it all backwards. (Which statistically the major part of people do.)

Further, want a clever, low-cost approach?...

Start With A Valuable “Free” Product

You may find this hard to believe, but there's one select version of the book Think and Grow Rich in public domain. (The one we use as our base text, of course.) Assuming you can do the legal research and bear the costs of both the legal and the getting of the book - you - ANYONE - can reprint the book!

You do have to be very careful, however, because if you make one mistake you'll find the Napoleon Hill Foundation sweeping down on you like a falcon...

By the way, here's a good place for the disclaimer, officially approved specifically for us by the Napoleon Hill Foundation...



This project is inspired by and built on the classic 1937 book “Think And Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill.  THINK AND GROW RICH® is the registered trademark and property of the Napoleon Hill Foundation.  The book title “Think And Grow Rich” and this Web site and accompanying materials and references are being used for illustrative purposes only, without permission and are not authorized by, associated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by the Napoleon Hill Foundation.  Any reference to “Think And Grow Rich” is by necessity in referring to the book title.

Note: Be extremely careful about assuming you can copy someone else's version of the original classic. (Or for that matter - this release.) That's a good way to find yourself embroiled in legal issues that could destroy your reputation and sink you financially. Most publishers, including myself, have made a number of subtle changes in the text that give them the uncontested ability to prove in a court of law you've copied their book. You must go back to the original source.

But assuming you have the CORRECT version....

Heck, you can get the correct version, easily - I'll give it to you FREE! As a participant in Think and Grow Rich East-West Success MasterMind, you get both a digital and a physical copy of this groundbreaking book as a FREE bonus. Further...

I'll grant you a license to the digital version of the famous Think And Grow Rich, to stimulate your sales of the Think and Grow Rich East-West Success MasterMind product we're creating.

I paid thousands - it's yours free!

The Product We Create

Here's what the product we create will look like. Of course it looks familiar, as it's the MasterMind in captured form. People who invest in the product will get the same experience - without the accelerated impact that comes from live participation, and without getting the rights to the product itself.

I'll organize and pay for everything, so there's no sweats off your back there...

1.        Recorded MasterMind Sessions

2.        Archived recordings

3.        Digital copy of Think and Grow Rich

4.        MasterMind Study Guides

5.        MasterMind Study Chapters

6.        Transcriptions

All the hard work we talked about involved in creating a product in salable form?... I'll do it ALL for you...

But a "product" by itself - no matter how good it is - is inert...

Making Money - That's A Different Story!

That's right, you can go to great lengths to get a killer product created, but without what it takes to SELL it... You'll be a loser nevertheless.

Now, don't misunderstand me - you'll benefit from any reading and study of the classic work Think and Grow Rich. But what we're talking about here is making money of the product itself. A different story.

I want your success to be multi-dimensional.

As Think And Grow Rich headcoach I've designed this entire project so that - if that's what you want, that's what you get.

You Must Have Killer Sales Materials To Make Money

God bless so many people who erroneously believe "Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a pathway to your door". It simply isn't true!

You must let the world know in an effective way you've got what can change their lives!

Here's another quick summary of what you must have - and what I'm providing for you...

A killer salesletter, built in a website template, with all the features that make it work, such as a killer headline, a grabbing story, a USP that's of obvious value,  bonusestestimonials...

Then it's got to be hooked up to make your money... Tied to your domain name, hosting account, and AutoPilotRiches,,,

That's a LOT of work? Are you up to it?!

How about if I do it ALL for you, including personalizing your website with YOUR photo on top - not just a web page - but an entire site - sales page, product delivery page, autoresponder messages...

That includes hooking it up with the all important ECOMMERCE FUNCTIONALITY.

And including all the necessary disclaimers, legal notices, earnings statements, privacy policies...

Price Testing And The Final Price

A Note about the pricing of the product you'll have rights to. Though the product we're creating is designed to sell between - in its digital version (more for the physical product) - we can't really say for sure what the final price will be. I can drive millions of qualified prospects to the page within a week's time, however, and, at that point we'll let the market tell us what the best price is.

To Protect Your Investment  Once that price is found that makes us the most money - and approved by the members of the MasterMind group, that price will be mandatory for all license holders.

This is to protect every license holder, as we all have an interest in maintaining a fair price and receiving a luxurious return on our investment. On the Internet, sometimes an idiot thinks, "Hey, it's digital, it doesn't cost me anything to deliver, so I'll undercut everyone else and get all the sales." First of all, nobody would ever get all the sales, however, it could be a depressing force in the market. With this policy we are protecting the value of your investment.

Expect To Make Millions

Though, of course, I can legally and ethically make no promises or projections about the kind of money you "will" make... I fully expect if you play your cards right this could be a million dollar product for you. Especially if you think it. I fully expect it will be a million dollar project for me. I honestly believe - with THIS product - the only difference between me and you is I may make my million faster than you do.

And we'll have only 52 license holders, so any competition will be strictly limited. However, we won't all be competing in the same kettle, as many of the participants - we have people from Viet Nam, Malaysia, India, Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Korea, Philippines, USA, Canada, United Kingdom - intend to market only to their own niche, customers, and/or countries.

Killer Bonus #4 - FAME! You'll be included as one of the original MasterMind members

There's another element, we haven't even touched on, that could have far-reaching effects on the money you make as a direct result of participating in this project. That's...


When you participate in this MasterMind and in the Duplication Rights, don't you think you should LEVERAGE your appearance?!!

Here's what we'll do! As a participant, we'll list you as one of the original MasterMind members. But we'll go beyond that. Not only will your NAME get cited... But we'll include your photo and your bio!

How's that for leverage?!! This product will be circulated to thousands over a long number of years... It's not a "flash-in-the-pan" concept at all!

And each of these thousands of buyers will have the opportunity to get to know you - ASSOCIATED WITH A PRODUCT OF THIS HUGE CALIBRE. This will help you in every thing you do!

And not only in your business pursuits - but you'll grow in esteem and influence amongst the people in your own community, school, church, or temple, and across the world! I can see it now...

You enter church one morning - just like always... Only this time you see someone rushing your way - you think it's towards you, but can't imagine why that would be... They grab your hand enthusiastically, bubbling over with amazement...

"I bought this success program this week and - I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT! - YOU are on it!"


This could literally be worth ,000 or more - but let's value it here at only $1,000. Where else could you get this?!

Yes, Ted, I am EAGER to participate in this historic Think and Grow Rich "East-West Success MasterMind". I want to learn the secret in this select group that guides me to succeed in anything I do in life - including getting my share of the Asian opportunity explosion!

  MasterMind w Duplication Rights - ,997

  MasterMind w Dupl. Rights - 3 installments of $1,047 each

  MasterMind only -


Killer Bonus #5 -  Personal Wealth Coaching With Ted Ciuba

This is a $1,000 value - you get a full 30 minutes, one-on-one, either in two 15 minute sessions or one 30 minute session. Write me an email at the address below, and we'll schedule a time convenient for both of us.

Killer Bonus #6 - Autographed 1st Printing of NEW Think and Grow Rich by Ted Ciuba & Napoleon Hill

Anticipated March 2006 publishing date, you'll get an autographed copy of this ground-breaking work, sure to increase in value and sentimentality over the years!

Actually, expect to receive TWO copies... One you can "use" - mark in, highlight, bend pages, etc... And one you can guard in the vault, watching the value of your investment increase. The street value of unautographed copies is .90, but your copies are autographed! I can't help but believe that's a value, can you?

Killer Bonus #7 - Audio readings by Ted Ciuba of the original Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill!

Listen to the readings of the book, chapter by chapter. This is invaluable – as, oftentimes you understand the audio version far better than the written word. You don’t have to work to get the meaning - the vocal inflections, tone of voice, passion, etc come across naturally. Value .95

Hi Ted, I really want to say Yeeeeeeha and Thank You of course for making one of the Greatest Books ever written even better for me to understand. I have read Think & Grow Rich, but when I got your Audio version of this book I really started to understand it better and my life started to change for the better.
          - Scott Wilson

Killer Bonus #8 - The Ultimate Think and Grow Rich Wealth-Building System, by the Million Round Table

This valuable program regularly sells for , and it's worth every penny of it. The illustrious members of the Round Table - Ted Ciuba, T.J. Rohleder, Russ von Hoelscher, Alan Bechtold, Jeff Gardner, Randy Charach wanted to dig deeper into these principles themselves... The left the recorder running, and you now have this valuable wealth-building system.

Killer Bonus #9 - Think And Grow Rich
Achiever's MasterMind with Ted Ciuba

Program regularly sells for . An International MasterMind of Achiever's on Think and Grow Rich philosophy. This is good preparation for you prior to participating in Think and Grow Rich "East-West Success MasterMind".

Killer Bonus #10 - Think And Grow Rich For The Internet

Captured high above the Sydney skyline, at the highest tower in the entire Southern hemisphere, this exclusive event was never intended for public release! LIVE 2 hour, closed-door recording heard by less than 100 people in the world. A private session where some of the world's greatest internet marketing minds lay bare. Others paid - yours free!

That's ,984.95 worth of valuable bonuses you get for FREE as a participant in the Duplication Rights offer for Think and Grow Rich East-West Success MasterMind!

Act Now, Get Your Share!

If you're still with me to this part, I know you're waiting to see what the investment is, thinking it must be ,000, ,000 or even more.

Just participation in the MasterMind is worth that - and some of the people in the MasterMind have paid ,000 to be there.

Then, when you add in the value of the duplication rights to this killer product - it's worth double, triple or quadruple ,000.

But the good news is you won't have to pay even ,000...

And you won't pay ,000...

Nor ,000...

Nope - I decided to offer you a one time offer of a mere ,997.

But it gets better still! It just so happens that this opportunity is coming to you during the Christmas Season 2005. I don't ever want to be accused of being that despicable side of Ebenezer Scrooge (The Christmas Carol), so I'll go overboard until 4 Jan 2006  you can get ALL this for only ,997.

This is a miracle (during this season of miracles) that will never come around again. Believe it! I'll never make another duplication rights offer so cheap, in either of our lifetimes, for something so valuable.

I suggest you invest today for pennies, while you can, and profit for years to come from this new twist on a well-proven product!

If you'd like the convenience of 3 easy installments, that's only $1,047 in 3 installments. (Adds each month for bookkeeping fees.)

P.S. MasterMind Only. By-the-way - if you don't want the ability to make money off this killer product for decades to come - and you just want the hard-hitting info and introductions you can get from participating in the LIVE East-West Success MasterMind only, you can get in for just .

(You will get EVERYTHING in the MasterMind, but, of course, you won't get the Duplication Rights or the same bonuses... You'd have to do without bonus numbers... 1, 2, 5, 8, 9. Not to worry - the MasterMind, the bonuses, the relationships... All this could make a huge difference in your income, without the Duplication Rights on the product.

Yes, Ted, I am EAGER to participate in this historic Think and Grow Rich "East-West Success MasterMind". I want to learn the secret in this select group that guides me to succeed in anything I do in life - including getting my share of the Asian opportunity explosion!

  MasterMind w Duplication Rights - ,997

  MasterMind w Dupl. Rights - 3 installments of $1,047 each

  MasterMind only -

Your No-Risk Guaraantee

Oh yes, don't forget, like with all my offers, you can sign up at NO risk....

No Questions Asked! Sign up, and you'll be immediately whisked to the bonus download page. Everything you download is yours to keep whether you stay or fly...

Then attend the first MasterMind Session. If you don't think you'll profit from the MasterMind, or, if you're out of your mind and don't think you'll profit dozens and hundreds of times over from the duplication rights license - just notify me prior to the 2nd MasterMind meeting, and you're out - all bets off, and we'll part as friends.

You don't have to prove anything, you don't have to pull some drama act... Just let us know you're you've opted for a refund, and, no questions asked, no hassles, cheerfully... You'll get it all.

Compare this to a rental property...

Why don't you go trotting down to the bank and sign away your life and entire financial future by signing on an "investment" property?... First, you'll be treated like dirt. Next, you'll get a dirt deal... You put 20% down, they finance 80%.

Just when it sounds doable, like the get rich in real estate books portray it, you've got a mortgage to pay with $1,095 rental income to cover it. A classic case of monthly cash flow.

Looks good on paper, doesn't it?

Congratulations! You've now made 5.925% on your money. You put up ,000, took the full risk of the property, and got less than a 6% return! Obnoxious!

Oops!... That's 6% in a perfect world... However - your new tenant who sounded so sincere - after all, he has a wife and 2 children - gets behind... 2 months total before you get the property back... In horrid condition, and it takes you 4 weeks and ,778, because you have a couple of handymen nearby, to recondition it for re-rental - but it then takes 60 days to rent.

Where are you at now? Well, it will only take you 50.30 months - just 4 years and 2 months - to break even on this property BEFORE you start earning money again!

Think someone isn't talking about the dark side of real estate investing? The side you KNOW exists?!... And FEAR will gobble you up should you venture forth into the real estate arena.

Never fear, the dark force DOES indeed gobble up 90% of investors... But the 10% who succeed? Of course! They're Think And Grow Rich supporters!

Get into Information Marketing for the HUGE, easy profits!

Yes, Ted, I am EAGER to participate in this historic Think and Grow Rich "East-West Success MasterMind". I want to learn the secret in this select group that guides me to succeed in anything I do in life - including getting my share of the Asian opportunity explosion!

  MasterMind w Duplication Rights - ,997

  MasterMind w Dupl. Rights - 3 installments of $1,047 each

  MasterMind only -

Act Now, Don't Lose Your Place

As I pen these words to you, less than 23 positions remain. The MasterMind kicks off in 18 days. This, you can see is a strictly limited offer. If you don't want to lose your place, you must act now...

We're coming together to take the PROVEN and HAILED Think and Grow Rich philosophy to higher ground. We're coming together to discover, discern, develop and apply the Think and Grow Rich success philosophy to our own individual pursuits to definitely and without any doubt get rich.

The West brings this proven and hailed Think and Grow Rich success philosophy to an eager East. Not to mention the East can benefit from harnessing the energy and dynamism of a much younger West. The East brings their inbred refinedness, deeper spiritual life, better discipline, and insightful mind to this philosophy of the West.

We're coming together to do business with one another - East and West.

The world is changing. The East is rising to prominence. It is now trying to find it's way. YOU now have an opportunity to position yourself to help make it happen, and to profit handsomely thereby.

You must have knowledge of what makes both sides - East and West - tick. You must have introductions to achievers in foreign lands who want to work with you.

Where else, in your daily world, are you likely to encounter this opportunity?

Yours for a fruitful life of prosperity!
Ted Ciuba, Think and Grow Rich Headcoach

P.S. If you're sitting on the fence, remember the Chinese proverb...

The Gods cannot help those who
do not seize opportunities.”


Ask yourself – do you really have a burning desire to get rich? Are you committed to the goals you’ve written down?


Remember – only those willing to put something on the line and make a prompt and decisive decision will be successful…


I urge you today to make the RIGHT decision – the decision that can impact your entire life!


Remember – No person has sufficient experience, education, innate skill, knowledge, and resources necessary to guarantee a fortune without the cooperation of other people.


Place yourself in a high level MasterMind focused on YOU making MORE MONEY! Think it over... Think with Think and Grow Rich thinkers, and Grow Rich with peace of mind!


Yes, Ted, I am EAGER to participate in this historic Think and Grow Rich "East-West Success MasterMind". I want to learn the secret in this select group that guides me to succeed in anything I do in life - including getting my share of the Asian opportunity explosion!

  MasterMind w Duplication Rights - ,997

  MasterMind w Dupl. Rights - 3 installments of $1,047 each

  MasterMind only -


Legal Notices

© MMVI Parthenon Marketing Inc
all rights reserved worldwide

Parthenon Marketing Inc
2400 Crestmoor Rd #36 * Nashville TN 37215 USA
615-662-3169 / fax: 615-662-3108
Click to email Ted Ciuba or staff






7 Days To Massive Website Traffic - Day 4

Download PDF version
(right click and select "save target as")

"How To Skyrocket Your Website To The Top Of Google With Properly Planned Offpage Optimization!"

I don't know about you, but I get extremely excited when I see my new keywords at the top of Google for the very first time. Making big changes in ranking is primarily done by what is called offpage optimization.

Earlier I mentioned there were two types of search engine optimization.
  • Onpage Optimization
  • Offpage Optimization

We've gone over the onpage optimization, so let's move on to the offpage optimization which is what really makes a difference in your site's ranking.

Properly planned offpage optimization will make the difference between your website ranking #900 on Google, to ranking #1!

So, what is offpage optimization anyway? Offpage optimization basically consists of all of the offpage ranking factors like:

  • Which websites link to you
  • The number of websites linking to you
  • The Google page rank of the website linking to you
  • The page title of the website linking to you
  • The anchor text used in the link linking to you
  • The number and type of links linking to the website that's linking to you.
  • The number of outbound links on the website that is linking to you
  • The total number of links on the website that is linking to you
  • Whether or not the websites linking to you are deemed by Google as an authority website.
  • Plus some other things that we'll get to later...

In order to optimize our original website for the keyword "weight loss stories", we need to analyze the linking strategy of the top 10 ranked websites for our keyword.

Copy The Top Ranked Websites To Get A #1 Position

The goal here will be to copy exactly what they're doing, and then do things slightly better. We want to give Google exactly what they want, by making our linking strategy as close to the top ranked websites as possible, but as I said, slightly better to edge them out.

First, we need to open up a spreadsheet using Microsoft Excel. You should create the following columns

  • Linking Website
  • Anchor Text used
  • Page Rank
  • Link Popularity
  • Page Title
  • Number of Outbound Links

Next, we need to visit Google and enter the keyword "weight loss stories". We'll then visit the top 10 websites for this keyword and collect the information above. You should create 1 spreadsheet for each of the top 10 websites.


Linking Website is the specific website linking to In order to find all of the websites that link to you can do a couple of things. The most common way is to go to Google and enter this search criteria: Once you do this Google will return a large list of websites that link to

Over the past several months, Google has cut down on the number of backlinks that it will show you, so you may be better off going to Yahoo and entering link: to get a larger list of websites that link to them. Note that for Yahoo you must include "http://".

Anchor Text is the actual text used within the link linking to the specified website. For example, the anchor text in the following link would be "weight loss".

weight loss website

Page Rank is the actual Google Page Rank of the webpage linking to In order to see the Google Page Rank, you'll need to download and install the Google Toolbar for free from:

Link Popularity is just the number of links that are pointing to each of the webpages pointing to You can find their Google link popularity by entering this search command into Google: then counting the total number of results that are shown OR you could go to a website like to find each link partners link popularity much quicker.

Page Title is the title of the page that is linking to Does it contain the keyword "weight loss stories", "weight loss" or "weight"? If so, you should note which links pages those are. You'll want to approach those websites and try to get them to link to your website.

* Getting links from webpages that contain your main keyword in the page title is extremely powerful and is something many people often overlook.

Number of Outbound Links is the number of links located on the webpage linking to The less links located on the page, the more a link from them would increase your ranking.

Once we've collected all of the information, we now can see's linking strategy.

We'll need to calculate the percentage of websites that contain the keywords "weight loss", "weight loss stories", or "weight" in the page title.

We'll need to calculate the percentage of websites that contain the keywords "weight loss", "weight loss stories", or "weight" in the actual anchor text linking to

We'll then need to mirror these numbers, as close as we can, for our linking strategy. This may take awhile to do, but once you've done this...

You'll Have The Exact Blueprint You Can Give Google
For A #1 Ranking!

Once the blueprint for our linking strategy is complete, we need to contact each of these websites individually and ask them if they will add our link to their website in exchange for us adding their link to ours.

Tip: The more personalized you can make the email, the better. It is always best to include a blurb stating that you liked "X" about their website and was very impressed etc...

Now, if all of that seemed like it would take many days to do, you're right... it would. It works, but it does take A LOT of time.

I have good news though, there is a specific software program out there that can do ALL of this for you in a matter of minutes. It's what I use on a daily basis and it works very well.

In fact, to prove this program works very well, let me show you an email from one of the companies that I promote their products as an affiliate. Here's what they had to say:

"As an affiliate manager, I count the day I found Brad Callen as being one of the luckiest days in my career so far. I knew he was very good at optimizing for weight loss products because I kept running across his name during my searches on Google; however, I have been amazed at how quickly he is able to take over the #1 spot in Google for practically any term.

Within the past three months, Brad has become one of the leading revenue generators for several of our products. Brad has proven that, within a matter of days, he can get to the #1 position for any keywords that relate to our products. Whenever we launch a new product or offer, I make sure to get it to Brad right away because I know I'll see him at the top of the search engines within 1 or 2 weeks at the most. I have never encountered anyone else in SEO who can come close to Brad when it comes to efficient and effective optimization."

-- Sue Sharp
Sales & Marketing


If you haven't figured out what program I'm talking about, you'll need to stay tuned to tomorrow's MOST POWERFUL LESSON YET!


What I will share tomorrow will likely change your business and life forever,

All the best,

Brad Callen
Professional SEO
SEO Elite: SEO Software

Get Your Free Copy of 7 Days To Massive Website Traffic!
by Optimization Expert, Brad Callen
If you liked the lesson above and haven't yet signed up for my free SEO lessons, simply submit your first name and email address in the form below to receive the download information RIGHT NOW. (Check your email in a few seconds)
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